Monday, September 12, 2011

Le Mat, The Fool...

 "... Though everyone calls him a Fool, he does not pay them any attention, and he simply goes on his way. Certainly what they say can be justified, since his ignorance of the world can lead him to do things that more experienced people would never imagine. But in these things he can find knowledge and enlightenment. He does not care what others think or say about him, because he knows that what he is doing is right for him.

His approach to life is a strange, unconventional one, because he does what is comfortable to him. This is a viewpoint not often supported in our modern world, in which "do as I say" is the commandment most followed. To those who have lived their life under this philosophy, the approach of the Fool may be extravagant, shocking, even frightening. But this approach is all that the Fool knows, and because the only approval he requires is his own, he will continue to live this way, despite what all others think of him. He has total faith in himself. Perhaps he is not such a fool after all".

Forget those old past experiences and how you got hurt. Trust in yourself and believe it's a new day. Don't carry with you so much luggage, leave it behind. You'll feel lighter, you'll learn new things...

"The tricky thing about psychological luggage is that it is invisible to us (although not to others), and we're so accustomed to carrying it wherever we go that we actually believe it's normal and even necessary to feel so burdened" - Sonia Choquette, in "Traveling at the speed of Love"

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

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